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A Short Lived Victory For THR in The EU As Previously...

Last week, the European Parliament rejected a resolution presented by the European Commission (EC), proposing restricting vaping alongside smoking in outdoor spaces. At the...

Recent THR Advocacy Efforts: CAPHRA Demands Seat at COP11 While EU...

Consumers of safer nicotine alternatives feel increasingly marginalized as their needs are being ignored by the very agencies which are meant to be safeguarding...

More Senseless Vape Restrictions Crafted by the European Commission

The European Commission (EC) is recommending extending smoking bans to additional outdoor areas such as children's play areas, outdoor pools, amusement parks, and terraces....

Is the European Union Moving Towards A Union-Wide Nicotine Flavour Ban?

In the lead up to the European elections which took place earlier this month,  international health experts urged MEP candidates and policymakers to emulate...

The European Parliament Has Officially Recognized Vaping as a Smoking Cessation...

While the NCD report is significant, it is not a legal document.The European Parliament has officially recognized the substantial role of vaping in smoking...

A Flavour Ban on Heated Tobacco Products has Gone Into Effect...

On November 23rd 2022, the European Union (EU) passed a measure banning the sales of flavoured heated tobacco products within the EU. This regulation...

Is The European Commission Playing Dirty to Push its Nicotine Pouches’...

This is not the first time that the commission or its consultants are trying to manipulate what is meant to be an evaluation process...

ECigIntelligence Survey Indicates EU How Politicians Feel About E-Cigarettes 

ECigIntelligence, the renowned independent data analysis resource for the tobacco-alternatives industry, and its sister company TobaccoIntelligence, conducted the survey online. In a press release...