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The FDA is the food and drug control agency in the United States. The acronym FDA stands for Food and Drug Administration. This American regulatory body has been regulating vaping products as if they were tobacco products since August 2016, and subjects vaping to the same rules.

Since August 2016, the Food and Drug Administration has controlled vaping. It is the FDA that dictates the laws on vaping, its authorization, its prohibition, the nicotine limit that e-liquids can contain, and the type of products authorised on the American market, for example.

USA: Marketing new vaping products will cost 0,3 to 10 million...

The entire US vaping market concerned Besides the requirement to submit scientific and manufacturing data for review, the American law also requires that vaping products...

FDA says nicotine-free liquids exempt from deeming regs, unless they’re not

There’s deepening confusion over the status of non-nicotine liquids in the USA. With the FDA’s strict new regulations due to go into force on...

US vendors hit with zero-notice ban on older containers

Panic struck the US vaping industry over the weekend, as a last-minute decision by a federal agency suddenly banned large quantities of older liquid...

Senator Ron Johnson Challenging FDA Vaping Regulations (part four)

New to this story? Read first part, second part and third part before. Senator Ron Johnson sends 3rd Letter: Big Things Come in Small Packages, but Tragedies Come...

Senator Ron Johnson Challenging FDA Vaping Regulations (part three)

New to this story? Read first part and second part before. What happened when Chairman Sen. Johnson sent his 2nd letter to the FDA? Without ever receiving...

Senator Ron Johnson Challenging FDA Vaping Regulations (part two)

New to this story? Read first part before. Initially, what Happened when Sen. Johnson sent the 1st letter to the FDA? More importantly, Senator Ron Johnson of...

New vaping regulation : Decoding FDA’s code

As all manufacturers and other vaping business owners have been sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for the FDA’s deeming regulations to...

Senator Ron Johnson Challenging FDA Vaping Regulations (part one)

To understand this story in it's entirety, it is essential for us to first dive deeper into discovering who exactly Ron Johnson is as...