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Tag: Finland

Finland Bans Nicotine Pouch Flavours – A Kick in the Face...

Previously, the Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea) classified nicotine pouches as medicinal products due to the pharmacological effects of nicotine. However, in April 2023, Fimea...

Finland: Report Shows Reduction in Smoking and Vaping Rates

The THL, is an institute responsible amongst other things for national activities that promote smoking cessation. A recent report by the organization looked into...

Finland Poll: 50% in Favour of Raising Cigarette Sales Age Limit

Conducted by the national public health organisation ASH Finland, 51% of all respondents said that the age limit for purchasing cigarettes should be increased...

Finnish Medical Association Urges Authorities to Ban Snus

Snus is a moist powder tobacco product that is placed under the upper lip for extended periods. It is considered an effective harm reduction...

Finland: A tobacco-free future in 2030

Eradicating smoking or eradicating smokers? Finland in not the only country to envision a smoke-free future but it may really the first one to achieve this...

Estonia: INNCO react to overzealous measures against Ecigs

The price of tobacco products recently rose by 6.4% due to a hike in excise duty introduced earlier in 2016 but money is not the only...

Finland: A tax on e-liquids and a severe downgrade in the...

As of January 1st, Finnish vapers will see the price of their e-liquids rise since they are now subject to excise duty with a...

A new restriction for vapers in Finland

The new regulations, most of which are part of the EU’s Tobacco Products Directive of 2014, bans the use of any flavouring in tobacco...