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New Study Says Juul Has Fuelled Surge In Youth Tobacco Use

The authors do not differentiate between vaping and tobacco use, and therefore do not take into account that the increase in vaping has decreased...

US: Two MSU Students Develop Device to Help People Quit Vaping

CAPNOS co-founder and CEO Brendan Wang said that he struggled with a vape addiction for five years, starting from his freshman year at high...

US: Lincoln Public Schools Launch Quit Vaping Program

Meanwhile the CDC’s National Youth Tobacco Survey has found that cigarette smoking amongst teens has consistently decreased in parallel with an increase in vaping.As...

One More Study Indicates That Vaping is Decreasing Teen Smoking

The CDC’s any tobacco product use measurement, a binary measurement which asks if someone has used any tobacco product in the past 30 days,...

US Youth Vaping Rates Drop But 1 in 5 Teens Still...

Conducted by researchers at the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the 2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) indicated that...

Recent CDC Data: Over 2 Million U.S. Students Reported Vaping in...

The 2021 report has indicated a drop in vaping rates from the year before.In comparison to the 3.6 million students reported in 2020, the...

US: The 2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey Indicates a Drop in...

Carried out between January 16th and March 16th, the school-based survey indicated that 19.6% of high school students (3.02 million) reported e-cigarette use, down...

Recent Study Confirms That as Vaping Increases Smoking Decreases

Extracting data from the 2011–2018 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS), trends in smoking frequency, intensity, age of first cigarette use, and e-cig use frequency...