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Tag: smoking cessation

Study: The Role of Vape Shops in Harm Reduction

The study titled, “‘I Felt Welcomed in Like They’re a Little Family in There, I Felt Like I Was Joining a Team or Something’:...

Higher Levels of Nicotine are More Efficient for Smoking Cessation

A recent review of research related to NRTs, has indicated that smokers who use higher doses of nicotine are more likely to quit than...

Smokers Who Switch to Vaping Less Likely to Relapse

The study titled “Vaping as an alternative to smoking relapse following brief lapse,” was published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Review, and indicated...

Study Looking at the Success Rate of Smoking Cessation Via Vaping

Frequency of daily smoking reduced from 88.7% to 17.5% (P<0.001) and median consumption of cigarettes/day from 15 to 5 (P<0.001).The Study titled, “The Value...

RCP Report about Treating Patients for Tobacco Dependency

The report titled Hiding in plain sight: Treating tobacco dependency in the NHS, argues “that responsibility for treating smokers lies with the clinician who...

Prohibition or Harm Reduction

In their piety, the people who wanted to control smoking had prayed for an effective intervention. A very high percentage of the population kept on...

Considered a criminal for quitting smoking via e-cigs

In an article published on News.Com last week, the Australian celebrity said that after smoking for 25 years and feeling torn between his addiction...

Will e-cig users quit for good, or revert to smoking?

Researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) Norwich Medical School are looking for people who have used vaping products in order to quit...
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