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Tag: teen vaping

Juul Labs Set For a Further Expansion in the UK

Following its $1.2 million investment in overseas markets, Juul Labs had launched its small flash drive-sized vaping device in the United Kingdom in July...

Heath Canada Concerned about Teen Vaping

When towards the end of 2018, the US FDA had released the infamous statements about the alleged alarming rise in youth vaping, Canada who...

Wales Study: The Increase in Vaping has not Normalized Smoking

The study led by Cardiff University researchers, was conducted in collaboration with academics from Edinburgh, Stirling, Glasgow and Bristol, and analysed data from three...

CO: New State Law will Allow for Local Nicotine Taxes

According to a national database that tracks tobacco taxes, a pack of cigarettes costs an average of $5.26 in Colorado, in comparison to $10...

WA: Cigarette and Alcohol Consumption Decreases as Vaping Increases

The results of the survey are used to provide insights into healthy and unhealthy trends amongst young people, and this information is normally used...

Gottlieb: Youth Vaping Crackdown will Continue Despite his Resignation

"I'm very confident of that, and I'm very confident that we're going to continue with this policy over the next month, including the policy...

New Study: Vaping Could Save Seven Million Lives in About Ten...

The study titled Harm Minimization and Tobacco Control: Reframing Societal Views of Nicotine Use to Rapidly Save Lives, was conducted by a team of...

Health Canada Launches Campaign About Teen Vaping

When towards the end of 2018, the US FDA released the infamous statements about the alleged alarming rise in youth vaping, Canada who always...
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