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Tag: tobacco harm-reduction

Why Does The U.S. Endorse Harm Reduction Strategies For Various Substance...

The claim that tobacco harm reduction is a term made up by the tobacco industry, coming from none other than the head of the...

The Govt of Bangladesh is Urged to Amend Local Tobacco Act...

At a recent press conference Deputy Executive Director of the organization Mohammad Zobayer Hasan claimed that tobacco companies are spreading rumours against the amendment...

Study Looks Into The Effect of Conflicting Health Guidance on Vape...

Titled, “The effect of conflicting public health guidance on smokers’ and vapers’ e-cigarette harm perceptions,” the study “randomised 334 daily smokers who do not...

Webinars Discussing The Importance of Regulating Safer Nicotine Alternatives 

Vapes are at least "95 percent safer" than combustible tobacco products, and "twice as effective as traditional nicotine replacement therapies."Called RESET: Saving Lives Through...

Malaysia: Medical Practitioners Group Opposes Harsh Vape Restrictions

The FPMPAM says that the bill disregards overwhelming scientific data in favour of the benefits of safer nicotine alternatives for tobacco harm reduction.Earlier this...

EU Vape Industry Welcomes Decision to Embrace Tobacco Harm Reduction

Today, the Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) voted on the amendments and the draft of the Beating Cancer report. Naturally, the report authors...

Bulgaria, Greece and Latvia Have the Highest Smoking Rates Within the...

Sadly Bulgaria is in first place at 28.7%, while following Greece are Latvia (22.1%), The 2019 Eurostat data also indicated that 18.4% of the...

GSTHR Releases Tobacco Harm Reduction Briefing Paper in Twelve Languages 

Consumers find nicotine vaping products attractive and are switching to using  them in increasing numbers worldwide.Titled What is Tobacco Harm Reduction?, the publication provides...