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UK: Stansted airport disturbed after fire alarm set off

One probably reminds of the case of Southwest Airlines Flight 3654 that made an emergency landing after a fire alarm set off. The cause? A passenger...

UK : Highest rate of smokers switching to e-cigs in Europe

In 2016, the UK has not only opened itself to the use electronic cigarettes as smoking cessation tools, but also launched a number of...

Vaping and NRT converge to lower levels of toxicants than smoking,...

An encouraging message to smokers This long-term study  funded by Cancer Research UK compared levels of toxic and cancer causing substances in the body of people who switched to...

UK: A new vaper every 4 minutes

Impressive uptake rate: one user every four minutes The report shows that 4.2% of adults vape in the UK and 3.1% in France, the second...

Texan lawmakers seek under-21 ban while Australian nicotine rules stay in...

Australia refuses to lift nicotine ban In a major blow to Australian vaper, the country’s Therapeutic Goods Administration has announced that it will not be...

UK: Convenience stores toe the line with sales of Ecigs to...

Disappointing results during the first wave of controls in 2016 In August 2016, among the stores selling tobacco products in the UK, 39% made illegal sales...

IBVTA reacts to Public Health Wales’ statement on sweet-flavored e-liquids

In an Open Letter to Dr Tracey Cooper, Chief Executive of Public Health Wales, the Independent British Vaping Trade Association (IBVTA) expresses concerns regarding a...

James Bond: The profile of a perfect vaper?

“It won’t be the nicotine that kills you, Mr Bond” Everybody knows how James Bond's life is stressful. He is a joker, a gambler, he smokes...
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