Tag: vaping
Regulations’ expert finds FDA’s advertising controls mild
David D. Oxenford who is partner at Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP, a firm that offers it’s clients legal, regulatory and business advice and representation,...
Houses of Parliament report Ecig updates
The UK's Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology updates current knowledge on vaping in the country and releases its POSTnote 533. Research on e-cigarettes has been running fast since...
Another study about vaping in young adults carried out in the...
This study was a follow up of an initial one that was carried out at Connecticut middle school and high school in 2013. The...
Will the FDA’s deeming rule lead to a survival of the...
One of the regulations states that vape manufacturers are not allowed to import any new vaping products into the market without first applying for...
EU cross-border distance sales:
In the framework of the European TPD, the British Government has published a list of countries authorizing cross-border and distance sales of vaping products...
August 8th Reactions from U.S. Vapers
The Arrival - Confusion is in the air
Today is the day. It is August 8th, 2016 - The day in which symbolizes so many...
August 8: Where will the US vaping be in two years?
"The bad news is that August 8th of this year marks the beginning of a two-year countdown to FDA prohibition of 99.9%+ of vapor...
Has Hon Lik, inventor of the modern Ecig, betrayed vapers?
If you’re a vaper, you owe a huge debt to Hon Lik. The Chinese pharmacist didn’t invent the concept of an electronic cigarette –...