Tag: vaping
Nicotine E-juices: Natural, Tobacco-free or Synthetic?
In a world where Organic Natural, GMO-free labels are put forward by all types of brands, from the food industry to cosmetics, is a return...
Indiana e-juice business stops because of State law
On June 26, the Indiana Grocery and Convenience Store Association (IGCSA) let their members know that the law had been paused for 60 days...
Chewing the Cud
From mice to cows
The Sun ‘newspaper’ has just released a story quoting from a study where the author conveniently forgets to mention that this...
Videos of GFN16 presentations in Warsaw are online
The organizers released videos of some oral presentations and debates. A unique opportunity to watch the talks of experts like Clive Bates or of scientists like...
EU study shows that e-cigarette helped 6 million people quit smoking
Scientists from the University of Patras-Greece, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre, in Greece, and their French colleague from the French National Research Institute for Health...
French vape shop enters the hospital to educate the staff
"La Pause Vapeur" ("The vapor pause"), it is the name of this Parisian vape shop that was solicited in the suburbs of Paris by the...
Brexit and TPD, British vapers’ voices count
Update on June 27, 2016:
Leaving the EU might in theory free the UK from the obligation to implement European directives, says ECigIntelligence and pro-Brexit...
USA: FDA is facing numerous legal challenges
The last in date is advertised by the advocacy association CASAA and concerns Right to be Smoke-Free Coalition on behalf of vapor industry.
The industry-led...