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Tag: vaping

US regulation: Child Nicotine Poisoning Prevention Act of 2015

The Child Nicotine Poisoning Prevention Act of 2015 bill has passed different steps for approbation, from the House to the Senate, before ending on President Obama's desk for signature,...

Vaping to tobacco: No gateway effect on French teenagers

Since 2010, e-cigarette experimentation has increased and smoking declined among French middle school students A cohort survey conducted between 2010 and 2014 by the French Observatory of Drugs...

Quebec: Health professionals call authorities for reconsidering e-cigarette’s status

The electronic cigarette, "one more tool" A group of health professionals called the Quebec authorities to reconsider their position on the electronic cigarette. Assimilated to tobacco since...

Sharp decline in specialty shop creations in France

A 61% decrease recorded in the store openings While there were 2,829 specialty stores in March 2015, this figure dropped to 2,477 by December 2015....

Glasgow School of Vape #3

Colin Robertson who organized the last events in Glasgow, accessible to whoever is interested in electronic cigarettes, from the beginner to the enthusiast regular user, advertises the reiteration of his...

French vapers loose their temper -The story of a book

At a time when European governments are in the run to adapt their legislation to implement the forthcoming EU regulations in the domain of tobacco...

USA: A ban on advertising in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma State Representative Mike Brown, a Democrat, has introduced on January 14, 2016, a bill to be presented to the House in first reading...

An Australian plea for deregulating nicotine vaping products

The Australian laws state that it is illegal to sell, advertise, and import for resale electronic cigarettes and related products that contain nicotine. Therefore,...
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