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Tag: vaping

Etter JF: Haste, confusion and closed doors led to a disproportionate...

Hastily prepared after the rejection of drug status by the European Parliament in October 2013, the text of Article 20 that regulates the electronic cigarette...

Russel : Advertising ban for ecigarettes is a bad idea

In the UK, images of the Electronic Cigarette are only allowed on screens and in commercial advertising under restricted conditions. But the new EU Tobacco Products Directive (EU-TPD) is...

Imperial Tobacco runs a study on Philip Morris’ iQOS (heat stick)

According to Imperial Tobacco, iQOS should be subject to the same rules as regular cigarettes in public spaces We recently addressed in these columns the...

Study: 94% of inhaled nicotine is retained

Another reassessment of second-hand vaping The objective of the scientists was primarily to measure the retention of nicotine, of propylene glycol (PG) and of the...

VapeBlast 2015, eccentricities defeat prejudice

The "VapeBlast" is a a popular event among the US vaping community. The last edition took place from 28 to 30 August 2015 in Texas. A...

Italy, a new impact study relativizes immediate steam effects when vaping...

Vaping without nicotine for 5 minutes At the time of their study, the scientific literature on the effects of vaping without nicotine was scarce. They decided to carry...

Switzerland: Regular users of vaporizers are also smokers

French-speaking Switzerland vapes more than the German-speaking one According to the report published by the Federal Office of Public Health, 14.0% of the Swiss above age 15 have...

Global Market Forecast: US consultant predicts +22,36% annual growth through 2015-2025

This company has recently analyzed the global e-cigarette market and predicts a significant growth in this sector by 2025. According to its latest report in...
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