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As surprising as it may seem, the World Health Organization (WHO) is strongly opposed to e-cigarettes.

In its view, nicotine is an enemy that must be defeated. Vaping does allow nicotine consumption, and even though it removes most of the risks of smoking, the WHO is still strictly against nicotine consumption. That means it is equally opposed to vaping.

The WHO therefore takes every opportunity to tell us what a dangerous invention the e-cigarette is, and regularly advises countries to ban it.

WHO criticizes Switzerland for not endorsing FCTC

“I think this is more of a shame than a problem that Switzerland is not party to the treaty, as this is all about...

The WHO is Criticized for Endorsing Countries Which Ban E-Cigarettes

The authors of a new report titled “No Fire, No Smoke” point out that safer alternatives alternatives such as e-cigarettes, heat-not-burn devices and Swedish...

NNA urges more pressure on WHO, as FDA plans to wipe...

Push WHO for sensible vaping policy, advocates tell UK The New Nicotine Alliance has urged the UK delegation to next week’s WHO tobacco control conference...

NNA blasts No Tobacco Day as “missed opportunity”

In a press release issued on 30 May, the WHO’s World No Tobacco Day, the New Nicotine Alliance piled criticism on the misleading messages...

WHO report declares CBD oil safe for human consumption

The use of CBD oil for the treatment of several conditions is to this day illegal in several places, including some US states and...

Vaping principles within a changing world

Right from the outset I will state what I think should be the basis for vaping advocacy. It is very straightforward. There are only...

UK: Philip Morris said “we support proportionate tax increases”

In a four page letter to the Chancellor Philip Hammond, a British Conservative recently appointed Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of Her Majesty's Exchequer, Peter Nixon, the managing director...

Belize to ban vaping?

In this small country of Central America, tobacco control was prehistoric a few years ago with neither a smoke-free policy nor a national Quitline available...